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Journal: Day 27 of Becoming More Intentional

Days twenty-six and twenty-seven are captured in a moment of transition and foresight, with you sketching plans and ideas by lantern light. This intimate setting signifies the shift from contemplation to action as you meticulously chart the course for your future endeavors.

The creative energy and juices have not been there the last few days, and the prompt's inspiration has been coming in clutch. It's my fiances/ the girl's bonus mom's birthday today. I am very excited to celebrate her today and spend it with her. Despite my work, I'll do what I can to make it memorable for her.

Honestly, this last year with her has been healing, fun, full of life, laughter, love, good vibes, good times, memories, and a lot of growth for both of us. I wish I could capture what it all has meant and make me feel into words, but that wouldn't even come close to doing it justice.

I am drawing some inspiration from the picture as when I started journaling and writing, I would find myself by candlelight and screenlight writing, which was a tremendous meditative state while I was doing it.

I could reflect today and realize I didn't do the best at the application as my daughters and I had a couple of rough moments this morning; we were not on the same page at all, which caused some contention. We got through and had to evaluate the situation and talk through them.

Overall, today should be a good day.

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